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Recipe: Chive Blossom Kimchi - FarmSteady

Recipe: Chive Blossom Kimchi

Late spring is one of the most exciting seasons at the farmers market. It seems like every week, something new and delicious comes into season and floods the stalls with the brightest colors, biggest flavors, and most intoxicating aromas of the year.

Blossoming chives are one such treat. We get giddy when we see them pop up at the market. Who could resist those beautiful blooms? Plus, chives are super easy to grow at home. We have a few potted in our loft and in our raised beds.

If you want to keep your chives growing and prevent them from going to seed, you have to clip the blossoms. Both the flowers and the stalks are edible and taste like mild onion, so you can use these stunners in a wide variety of dishes, including kimchi.

Chives (typically garlic chives) are a classic seasonal kimchi base. When they replace cabbage & radish in traditional kimchi, it becomes buchu kimchi. The greens become silky and soft through fermentation, and retain their delicate garlic & onion flavors well against the kimchi paste.

But perhaps the best part of this ferment is how beautiful it is in your jar and on the plate: swirled in deep red, the purple blossoms pop against their bright green stalks, making it hard to resist this fun, seasonal kimchi.

Enjoy as you would your other kimchis: in a rice bowl with an egg, added to stir fry, or plucked straight from the jar.

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