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  • Recipe: Fermented Kiwi Jalapeño Hot Sauce - FarmSteady
    July 13, 2022

    Recipe: Fermented Kiwi Jalapeño Hot Sauce

    Kiwis are some of the most fun and lively tasting fruits we know. Their bright, tropical flavor and acidity make them the perfect addition to a batch of fermented hot sauce. Coupled with jalapeños, cilantro and scallions, kiwis produces a homemade fermented hot sauce whose color is a brilliant green with a vivid flavor to match.
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  • Recipe: Lacto-Fermented Jalapeños - FarmSteady
    May 14, 2021

    Recipe: Lacto-Fermented Jalapeños

    Fermented jalapeños are a deliciously spicy ingredient we keep on hand to jazz up any meal. These piquant little peppers pack loads of flavor and are incredibly versatile. When jalapeños are lacto-fermented, they develop a tangy flavor that balances out the spice. Don’t get us wrong, these peppers are spicy, but leveled with a nice pickled tang.
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  • Recipe: Fermented Jalapeño Hot Sauce - FarmSteady
    January 23, 2019

    Recipe: Fermented Jalapeño Hot Sauce

    When it comes to hot sauce our mantra (usually) is the hotter the better. So to achieve maximum heat, we've made 100% habanero batches that we doled out with an eye-dropper and still brought all taste testers to tears.This Jalapeño...

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