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Recipe: Maple Chili Brussels Kraut

Like peanut butter and jelly, macaroni and cheese, or iced tea and lemon, maple syrup and brussels sprouts were made to be enjoyed together. One of our all time Thanksgiving side dishes is brussels sprouts roasted with maple syrup. It's a deeply comforting and nostalgic flavor for us, and we wanted to figure out a way to enjoy it more often.

So of course, we turned to our trusty fermentation jar. This kraut takes the best part of maple roasted brussels sprouts, that vegetal sweetness, and lightens & brightens it. Raw brussels sprouts make this kraut even more deliciously crunchy, and a healthy dash of chili flakes pairs beautifully with the deepness of the maple syrup. You end up with a ferment that is at once comforting and familiar, with a brightness that makes it taste new and exciting.

We're not saying it'll replace fan-favorite roasted brussels with maple syrup, but you might find that old standby sitting out of the rotation every once in awhile for this fresh update.

Previous article Recipe: Dill Pickle Kraut

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