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Recipe: Green Tea Kombucha
If you’re new to brewing your own kombucha, a simple Green Tea Kombucha is the best place to start. Once you make your first batch, you'll find that there are endless possibilities as to what you can make next.
When making homemade kombucha, you can use just about any tea. Black tea, white tea, red tea, pu-ehr tea, herbal tea. They’re all fine to use and will make delicious kombucha. Depending on the tea you choose, the finished kombucha you brew will take on some of its flavors.
With Green Tea Kombucha, expect gentle herbaceous and floral notes. It’ll be light in flavor and color and not too over-powering. Homemade Green Tea Kombucha can best be described as pleasant. Not too sharp, really easy drinking.
And while Green Tea Kombucha is delicious in its own right, it also makes a great base for all sorts of flavors and ingredients, like herbs and fruit. Get ready for infinite opportunities to experiment and enjoy. And for tons of inspiration, recipes, and helpful tips, definitely check out our book, The FarmSteady Guide to Kombucha.
New to kombucha?
Our Kombucha Making Kit contains everything you need to begin easily brewing your own kombucha at home. The best part is that once you start, you can keep reusing the equipment and SCOBY included in the kit to brew batch after batch. Endless kombucha! All you'll need is more tea and sugar.
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